problem comes when saving data to db

hi :) ,

in the ss log it says that "索尼爱立信 W810c" was collected but after saved into db by ss automatically, it becomes "Ë÷Ã"ᰮâÃÃ… W810c"....

my db table is of utf-8, and the data i want to scrape seems good in log, then how to make the saved db data right as expected?

thanks your help :)

problem comes when saving data to db


I think the problem has to do with screen-scraper and your db not using the same character encoding. For Asian character sets we've found it best to use a combination of EUC-KR as the character set along with a font capable of displaying the needed characters. Please see the following two FAQ's related to this.

International Character Encoding

Character set info:

Character encoding seems to be a kind of moving target so your feedback on your experience will be appreciated. We've only tested this with Korean and Japanese sites so please let us know how it handles the Chinese characters in your scrape.
