Javascript responses

I'm creating a scraping session for This seems to call An extract of the result is

My best guess is that this 'soccer' script is called, and produces the results. However, the screen-scraper proxy shows no ttrace of this script being called. If I view the page in IE and select "View Generated Source", the result is easy-to-read HTML.

So, my question is: Can screen-scraper handle this javascript and record the returned HTML?

Javascript responses


I didn't look into why or how but the page that contains the content is:

At first glance it looks like nothing but gibberish but you can actually identify all of the content between the wacky ¬~AA÷ alien writing. It should make for some interesting extractor patterns and regular expression to grab out what you want.

I did a test to grab out the countries and competitions in the dark gray and it worked like a charm without using regex.


Perhaps it won't be too bad.
