Object required: Session

we're trying out screen scraper on Windows 2003 Server...

the first tutorial fails when i get to the scripting ... with the following vbscript error: Object required: 'Session'

whats going on?

Object required: Session

[ tbc ],

I apologize for the trouble you're having running screen-scraper on Windows 2003 server. We're aware of certain issues with that OS in particular; as well as, issues with using VBScript in general. Please see our FAQ regarding VBScript here.


To help us narrow down if the issue you're having is related to any known issues could you please download the following file and use it to open the screen-scraper workbench. This batch file will reveal additional error messages that hopefully will help us identify where the failure is taking place.


After downloading please copy the file to the directory where screen-scraper is installed (usually: C:\Program Files\screen-scraper professional edition\). Change the name of the file omitting the ".txt" leaving "fire_up_workbench.bat". Next, create a shortcut to this file and place your shortcut somewhere convenient like your desktop.

Use the new shortcut to launch the workbench. This will open a dos window wherein will be written the additional error/log messages.

Please run your scrape again.

Could you please send me the log generated both from within the workbench; as well as, from the dos window? Also, are you using basic or professional edition and have you updated beyond version 3.0?

Thank you for taking the time to help troubleshoot this issue.
