next link

hi, i am trying to crawl a site. the next link has the following code:


next link


Without having an account to the site you're having trouble with I can only suggest what I think is going on. Along with the URL you site in your post the site is probably also passing post parameters that you'll need to scrape from the previous page and pass in the parameters portion of the subsequent scrapeable file.

Tutorial 3 handles the passing of these types of parameters in the Querystring or as a GET request. Handling this via a POST request is a little bit more difficult. I would recommend setting up the screen-scraper proxy server and have it record the steps you take to go from logging in to requesting the next page of, I assume, mail messages in your Inbox.

And in the example you site you may notice that the values passed to the ReDisplay JavaScript function ('0,0,30,2','R2') will show up in some form as Post values in your proxy session. The long string appended to the URL for the next page may also need to be scraped from the previous page and passed along like you'll be doing for the POST parameters.

One note: It's been our experience that ASP.Net sites are particularly sensitive to having not only POST & GET parameters passed appropriately but may also need a referrer explicitly set in the Header, as well.

Please see the documentation on the setReferer method here.

Let us know how it goes.
