How do I scrape tables? I really need help. This is due soon

How do I scrape tables off of websites? Also, I have to get the table from the Transaction History of this website.

However, there doesn't seem to be a direct url to the transaction history tab. How does the url change? Please look into this. Thanks so much!

Here are some sample application numbers that you can search:


How do I scrape tables? I really need help. This is due soon


Our company offers the service of creating scraping sessions for you. Our fee structure varies based on the overall scope of the project. For a free assessment and quote on your project please consult the following link.

Thank you,

More problems with the uspto site

Actually, I don't even know where to begin to figure out those "cryptic strings." Can someone please walk me through this? Some hints would help too. I know very little about scraping.

Where does it say how to scrape tables in the tutorial?

I've looked through and done the 3 tutorials. Neither say anything about scraping a table. And what is a GET url?

How do I scrape tables? I really need help. This is due soon


I would direct you to the tutorials we provide starting here.

The patent site you're interested in scraping may present a moderate challenge with their more extensive use of session validation between pages. However, they seem to be using straightforward HTTP transactions.

You may need to be extra careful to capture and then properly pass the cryptic strings they're inserting in the GET request / querystrings.

Be sure to start off by using the screen-scraper proxy server to record the pages you're interested in and use the proxy server results to build your scraping session.

If you have specific questions please let us know.
