Learning curve problems.....

New user attempting to scrape a yahoo groups member list.

I am the group owner with a need to track group growth chronology.

Used the proxy server with "auto login" and all works fine.

Tried the same with a script and the cookies arre apparently not processed correctly because first call is delivered to a login screen.

Second attempt was a proxy track of (the from scratch) login. This also rorked ok and allowed me to "discover" the hacker protection buried in hidden fields of the login screen.

Created a script to submit the login with correct values for post parameters and now receive the following error:
If you are seeing this page, your browser settings prevent you from automatically redirecting to a new URL. Please click here to


Can anyone suggest a workable solution???

Learning curve problems.....

Thanks -- seems to have solved the problem -- but I can't see why????

Oh well -- should never have bought a computer that is too big to throw out the window!

Appreciate the suggestion.