problems with proxy server and vista


I am a newbee and I've got vista installed. Everytime I set my proxy to 8777 and address to localhost, my browser hangs. I've tried this with FireFox and I'm still having the same issue.

Any ideas?

Great product btw =)

problems with proxy server and vista

Thanks swilsonmc!

From your screen shot I saw you had set the browser to bypass the proxy for local addresses. This step is skipped in the tutoorial.

Thanks a lot!

problems with proxy server and vista


After you set your browser to use screen-scraper as the proxy server do you go back to screen-scraper and start the proxy server? Sorry if that's an obvious question.

If so, take a look at the "Progress" tab for your proxy session in screen-scraper. Does it show one or more transactions with status of "Transaction complete"? You can also look at the log where you should see screen-scraper attempting to connect to download the various assets (html, javascript, css, images, etc.) of the page you pointed it to if it was able to connect.

I've provided screenshots illustrating these issues, including one screenshot that shows you how I have configured Firefox to connect to screen-scraper as the proxy.

If you've done all of my suggestions could you please provide me with the log from the proxy session you set up? Go ahead and email me at scottw [:idea:]

Thank you,
Scott Wilson

Firefox setup:

screen-scraper proxy log:

problems with proxy server and vista

It seems simpler than that. Once I configure my lan settings (browser) to port 8777 and "localhost" I lose connection to the internet.

I'm not sure why this is happening.

problems with proxy server and vista

Could you give a bit more detail on what you mean when you say that your browser hangs? Do you mean that it completely stops working to the point you need to kill the process? Or do you mean that when you try to access a web site while using the proxy the site simply never returns a response? Also, when you make the request in your web browser, does screen-scraper record that request in your proxy session?

Also, with screen-scraper completely closed, delete your "log\error.log" file. Then try using the proxy server as you have. After doing that, do you see any error messages show up in that log file?


problems with proxy server and vista

Yes, I disabled the firewall on vista and tried firefox and IE but still no luck.


problems with proxy server and vista


We haven't done much testing on Vista just yet, but I'm guessing it could be something related to the OS blocking ports. Can you temporarily disable any firewall/anti-spyware software to see if that's the culprit?

Kind regards,

Todd Wilson