The log file

I was wondering if there is a way to turn off the log text under the scraping sessions tab. I am hitting about 50,000 records and that text will take up a lot of computer resource if it tries to render it to the screen.

The log file

Correct. Here's an example



Perfect, that worked. I don't really have a "kick-off" script for my session. I am guessing I would just make a simple script that starts the session?

The log file

Try something more like this:

cd "C:\Program Files\screen-scraper professional edition"
jre\bin\java -jar screen-scraper.jar -s "NJ Malpractice"



command line

Cool, I will check it out. As for the CMD line:

C:\Program Files\screen-scraper professional edition\jre\bin>java -jar screen-scraper.jar -s "NJ Malpractice"

see any reason why the above would be giving me this message?

Unable to access jarfile screen-scraper.jar

The log file


In the very latest alpha version of screen-scraper you can do this. Here are instructions on downloading and installing it


If you're running a long scrape, though, you'd probably be better off running it from the command line. Here's our documentation page on that


Kind regards,

Todd Wilson