Removing characters like amp;


Im trying to scrape the website

Im trying to save the part highlighted in bold to a session variable as follows,the ouput is as follows, TX&stateName=Texas.

I would need your help in removing the amp and passing only the value TX&;stateName=Texas.


Ganesh Ethiraj.

Removing characters like amp;


There are a few ways you could go about this, but the simplest would probably be to simply create the extractor pattern so that it only grabs the pieces you need, like so:

If that doesn't do the trick, you could always replace the entities in a script like this (assuming the session variable "STATE_TEXT" contains the value "TX&;stateName=Texas"):

stateText = session.getVariable( "STATE_TEXT" );
stateText = stateText.replaceAll( "&", "&" );
session.setVariable( "STATE_TEXT", stateText );

Kind regards,

Todd Wilson