Get list of getDataSet-able datasets via SOAP?

I'm using SOAP and happily hitting "getDataSet" to get my datasets. But as far as I can tell I have to know the name of all the datasets beforehand. Is there a method for getting a list of active datasets in a scrape?

Get list of getDataSet-able datasets via SOAP?

In trying to genericize the output of the scrapes it would be cool to loop through all of the dataset names and display the contents in grids. New scrapes could have any number of different tables of data, and the engine we're using to take do the SOAP fun would ideally be completely generic, and just pass on or transform whatever it gets.

We'll just have to have a standard set of datasets to exercise. Thanks!

Get list of getDataSet-able datasets via SOAP?


Sorry, we don't have such a method. Generally you know beforehand the names of your data sets because you'll need to explicitly save them in session variables.

Could you provide a specific example of when it would be useful for you to be able to dynamically determine what data sets are in memory?

Kind regards,

Todd Wilson