godaddy - am I dreaming?

I realise my chances of being able to make this happen aren't real good but I'm trying it anyway.

I'm trying to install on a godaddy linus deluxe shared hosting account... I can run the install successfully in an ssh session.

If I try to run it using the link I get the following:

[shadders]$ ./screen-scraper
testing JVM in /home/content/s/h/a/shadders/ss/app/jre ...
testing JVM in /home/content/s/h/a/shadders/ss/app/jre ...
No suitable Java Virtual Machine could be found on your system.
The version of the JVM must be at least 1.5.
Please define INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME to point to a suitable JVM.
You can also try to delete the JVM cache file /home/content/s/h/a/shadders/.install4j

I've tried explicitly setting INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME to point to the 'jre' dir in the SS install dir with no change.

If I try to to run either screen-scraper or server directly I get the following:

[shadders]$ /home/content/s/h/a/shadders/ss/app/jre/bin/java -jar screen-scraper.jar --start-server --interactive
Error: no `server' JVM at `/home/content/s/h/a/shadders/ss/app/jre/lib/i386/server/'.

Which is actually true... there's no /jre/lib/i386/server directory. The client directory contains the only file I could find so I tried copying the client directory to a server directory. It will actually start this way but doesn't seem to be running properly (as I guess you'd expect)... It doesn't return the command prompt and if you try and open the web interface you get no response (I did add my IP address to the allowed IP address list).

Any idea why it's looking for this missing server directory? or why the server directory isn't there?

The install is the current linux install on the website.

oh incidentally if I do start

oh incidentally if I do start it in that way and ctrl-z to get back to command prompt I can see the java process running with 'ps'... so it's getting that far at least...

I've been sitting and

I've been sitting and thinking about what could be going on, and here are a few things that are coming to mind..

Using that last way to tried, where the server will start (yet you can't use the web interface), can you do a "./server status" and get the status from it? We've seen problems where, when running that command several times in a row, it will say "running", "running", and then eventually will say "stopped". If you can verify if it does this or not, that would be great. (That might require a separate ssh login, if that server in interactive mode doesn't return to the command line. I'd recommend using "./server start", instead that whole path to java, and then passing it the screen-scraper jar with parameters. Not sure if this works or not, based on your initial post.)

Alternatively.. (and this seems less likely to be the problem, since you *can* get it work as described) check on the value of the "InstallDirectory" item in screen-scraper/resource/conf/, and ensure that it reflects the actual location of where screen-scraper is installed.

Finally, running the workbench's "./screen-scraper" command isn't going to yield anything good unless your ssh session was started with ssh -X user@host, and if that host computer has x-windows on it. Not sure what the scenario is, so I'll just leave it at that.

Still thinking...

It does seem to start and

It does seem to start....

[shadders@p3nlhjava002 app]$ ./server start
Starting server
[shadders@p3nlhjava002 app]$ ./server status
The daemon is running.
[shadders@p3nlhjava002 app]$ ps
8402 pts/3 00:00:00 java
8674 pts/3 00:00:00 ps
25285 pts/3 00:00:00 bash
[shadders@p3nlhjava002 app]$

after about a minute:

[shadders@p3nlhjava002 app]$ ./server status
The daemon is stopped.

but this is only if I make a copy of the jre/lib/i386/client directory and name it 'server' otherwise I get the missing 'server' message... I still can't hit the web interface from a browser though... It's definately pointing at the right directory in the properties file... i.e. the directory with screen-scraper.jar in it.

>>>>"I'd recommend using "./server start", instead that whole path to java, and then passing it the screen-scraper jar with parameters. Not sure if this works or not, based on your initial post.)"

Only if I've copied the client dir to the server dir.... Should that 'server' directory exist?

Well, a "server" directory

Well, a "server" directory wont' exist, but "server" is a little shell script in the installation root, like the similar "screen-scraper" workbench script. Using "./server", the script will automatically try to use the JRE bundled with screen-scraper.

We've seen issues with this "The daemon is running" and "The daemon is stopped" several times before, and for various reasons. In some cases, it's as simple as a port conflict. You may want to examine that file to ensure that all ports are unique from any such ports that might be used on the server, and that you have appropriate server permissions to even make screen-scraper listen on those ports. Port-business is always a little sketchy on servers which someone else owns :)

On the subject of ports, there was a port that could be added to the properties file, which wasn't there by default until version 4.5. The property name was "WebServerShutdownPort", and its value was some unique port. It often resolved these sorts of issues. But if the problem lies elsewhere, then this may not help. If you're in fact using 4.5, then the property should already be there by default.

If any of the ports in the properties file are blank (except for maybe the proxy port-- not really needed in server mode), I'd go ahead and fill them in with something.

I feel like this is making a little bit of progress, but I'm still not sure what to think about that first issue you've mentioned, about the missing jre..

yes it is 4.5. I'm not much

yes it is 4.5.

I'm not much chop with linux but the only thing I can think of re: the missing JRE is that there's some sort of environment variable in the user shell that's overriding the path somehow? I've run the install several times and it doesn't seem to be reporting any errors...

I have no idea if there are restrictions on what ports can be opened. I'm not really even sure how to find out. I imagine a support incident with godaddy will be slow going... but I'll give it a try...

I'll have a look at the WebServerShutdownPort and perhaps try fiddling with it a bit...

>>>"Well, a "server" directory wont' exist, but "server" is a little shell script in the installation root"

so what's it looking for here then?

Error: no `server' JVM at `/home/content/s/h/a/shadders/ss/app/jre/lib/i386/server/'.

remember this is what prompted me to copy the 'client' directory to a 'server' directory (the only way I can make it start it at all).

this is hurting my brain. trying to work out multi-threading at the same time isn't helping it much...