Cannot connect to https site with proxy server

When I turn on the proxy server and change the settings in Chrome to the and 8777 I am no longer able to access https sites - only http ones?


Have I done something fundamentally wrong?

Site I am trying

Many Thanks


I've been getting the same on

I've been getting the same on many (but not all) HTTPS sites. I know something needs to be updated in the screen-scraper proxy, but I don't know what yet. Until we figure it out, we've been using the web developer tools in Firefox and Chrome, and Charles Proxy to get by.

We'll get it fixed ASAP.

Jason, I'm having the same

Jason, I'm having the same problem with the https website I want to scrape.

Could you please explain a bit more how you are working around and what you mean by Web Developer Tools for Chrome?

And that Charles Proxy seems to be a debugger(plus it's paid). How are you using it to workaround this problem?


Chrome and Firefox both have

Chrome and Firefox both have a very similar tool. In Chrome 43 you can click the hamburger menu > more tools > developer tools and then click the "network" tab. Then you click through the site like you would with the proxy. On each step you can see the HTTP request, and can use it to create the scrapeable file in screen-scraper. It's a manual process, but it can be done.

Charles does the same thing, but logs all the requests, so you can proxy the whole thing then go back and make the scrapeable files.