Extractor Token: Advanced tab

Advanced Tab (enterprise edition only)

  • Strip HTML (enterprise edition only): Check this box if you'd like screen-scraper to pull out HTML tags from the extracted value.
  • Resolve relatively URL to absolute URL (enterprise edition only): If checked, this will resolve a relative URL (e.g., /myimage.gif) into an absolute URL (e.g., http://www.mysite.com/myimage.gif).
  • Convert HTML entities (enterprise edition only): This will cause any html entities to be converted into plain text (e.g., it will convert & into &).
  • Trim white space (enterprise edition only): This will cause any white space characters (e.g., space, tab, return) to be removed from the start and end of the matched string.
  • Exclude from DataSet/DataRecord (enterprise edition only): This will cause this token to not be saved in the DataRecord from each match of the extractor pattern