
void session.loadVariables ( String fileToReadFrom ) (enterprise edition only)


Load session variables from a file.


  • fileToReadFrom File path of the file that contains the session variables, as a string.

Return Values

Returns void. If there is a problem retrieving the file contents an I/O error will be written to the log.

Change Log

Version Description
4.5 Available for enterprise edition.

See also: saveVariables.

If you want to create your own file of session variables, the format is a hard return-delimited list of name/value pairs. Both the key and value should be URL-encoded.


Load Session Variables from File

 // Reads in variables from the file located at "C:\myvars.txt".
 // Note that a forward slash is used instead of a back slash
 // as a folder delimiter. If back slashes were used, they
 // would need to be doubled so that they're properly escaped
 // out for the script interpreter.

 session.loadVariables( "C:/myvars.txt" );

Sample Variables File


See Also